(480) 680-7432

Property Division

Schill Law Group has a dedicated team of divorce and property division attorneys who will work with you to ensure that you receive a fair and equitable settlement. Our divorce lawyers handle family law cases exclusively. With our experience in these cases and dedication to uncovering all of the facts, we strive to deliver the best result for every client.

– Property Division

Your Justice Is Our Priority

 Arizona is a community property state that follows community property rules.  This calls for a 50/50 division of community property that must be fair and equitable.

While a 50/50 division is the goal, in some instances property division is not always equal, as Arizona law doesn’t require the division of marital property in divorce to be exactly equal. The property division must be fair and will usually be approxamitely equal per Ariz. Rev. Stat. § 25-318 (2020).

The attorneys at Schill Law Group will work tirelessly to achieve a fair settlement for you, and will present evidence at trial if a settlement is not possible and the judge divides the community property and debt.


Need A Free Consultation?

Call today for a free consultation to review your unique case and legal options. Our attorneys have decades of experience and expertise in Arizona family law and can help you today.

Our Team

John Schill

John Schill

Joy Parker

Joy Parker

Matthew Jefferson

Matthew Jefferson

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