Why You Should Hire a DUI Attorney in Scottsdale, Arizona
Driving under the influence is regarded as a criminal offense in Arizona. So, DUI charges are dealt with in criminal court. While you have a right to represent yourself in court, hiring a DUI attorney increases the chances of a better outcome. In fact, the majority of...
Who Claims Child On Taxes with 50/50 Custody?
Who Claims Child On Taxes with 50/50 Custody? Under federal law, the parent who qualifies as he custodial parent is the one who can claim the children as dependents. Generally, this is the parent who has lived with the child for a longer period during the year as...
Who Needs a Domestic Violence Lawyer In Phoenix
Domestic violence in Phoenix is a serious matter whether you are the victim or alleged aggressor. Depending on the specific situation, the case could be a misdemeanor or felony charge. Although most police reports may indicate such cases as being easy, you will need...
Who Pays Attorney Fees in Divorce?
Going through a divorce is usually stressful for most people. While you still need to deal with the emotions that come with marital breakups, you also need to think about how the legal process will be finalized. During this process, one of the most commonly asked...
Can I Get a CDL with a DUI in Arizona?
The driving under the influence conviction on your record can stick with you for a long time. You may be wondering if obtaining a CDL with a DUI on your record is even possible. It is a fair question to ask as well.Getting a CDL or commercial driver’s license in...
Arizona Criminal Trespassing Laws
CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEYS OVER 100 YEARS COMBINED EXPERIENCEArizona Criminal Trespassing Laws by John Schill | Jul 20, 2021 | Criminal Charges Figuring out when a specific action constitutes criminal trespassing can sometimes be tricky. It is a bit more...
What to Expect from Misdemeanor Assault Charges in Arizona
DEFENDING ASSAULT CASES EXPERIENCED AND DEDICATED ATTORNEYSMisdemeanor assault charges are serious accusations. If you are on the receiving end of false assault charges, you need to do everything in your power to fight them. The effects of those charges can be...
How Long Does a DUI Stay on Your Record in Arizona?
DUI ATTORNEYS OVER 100 YEARS COMBINED EXPERIENCE Getting into the driver’s seat of your vehicle after drinking is one of the biggest mistakes you could ever make, and it is one that can stay with you for a long time. So, how long does a DUI stay on your record?...
Got a DUI in Arizona, Now What?
DUI ATTORNEYS OVER 100 YEARS COMBINED EXPERIENCEAll of us are prone to making ill-advised decisions from time to time. It could be something minor like a poorly timed purchase or something more serious like committing a DUI violation. Of course, those ill-advised...