Divorce Involving Children in Arizona
Defending the People of Arizona With more than 100 Years of combined experience Divorce Involving Children in Arizona The decision to divorce can be difficult for any couple in Arizona. When a divorcing couple shares children, the process can be even harder on...
What Does “Best Interest of a Child” Mean?
Defending the People of Arizona With more than 100 Years of combined experience What Does “Best Interest of a Child” Mean? When parents of a child have a dispute over custody, the family court is required to make its custody decision based on what is in the best...
Legal Separation vs. Divorce in Arizona
Defending the People of Arizona With more than 100 Years of combined experience Legal Separation vs. Divorce in Arizona Some couples in Arizona are not sure that they want to go through with a divorce while others want to remain married but be separated for a variety...
Arizona Community Property Laws – Who Gets What?
Defending the People of Arizona With more than 100 Years of combined experience Arizona Community Property Laws – Who Gets What? When you go through a divorce in Arizona, you and your spouse will have to divide your property and debts. How your property will be...
High Net Worth Divorce in Arizona
Defending the People of Arizona With more than 100 Years of combined experience High Net Worth Divorce in Arizona When younger couples get divorced in Arizona, the process may be fairly straightforward because they may not have had much time to accumulate very many...
The Reality of Underage Drinking
Defending the People of Arizona With more than 100 Years of combined experience The Reality of Underage Drinking Any person under the age of 21 in the United States who consumes alcohol is drinking underage, and the current underage drinking statistics are alarming....
Everything You Need to Know About Vehicular Manslaughter
Defending the People of Arizona With more than 100 Years of combined experience Everything You Need to Know About Vehicular Manslaughter What is vehicular manslaughter? Hopefully, something you'll never have to experience for yourself. The number of deaths per year on...
Fathers Rights in Arizona
Defending the People of Arizona With more than 100 Years of combined experience Fathers Rights in Arizona Parents have the right to have a relationship with their children. State laws end up enforcing these rights a lot of the time, including what is known as father's...
In the Child’s “Best Interest”: How to Negotiate for Custody and Visitation
Defending the People of Arizona With more than 100 Years of combined experience In the Child’s “Best Interest”: How to Negotiate for Custody and Visitation Divorces can be very rough on children. When two parents make the decision to separate from one another, the...