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Can Teenagers Be Approved for Medical Marijuana in Arizona?

As a parent, you want to make sure that your kids are happy and healthy at all times. When your child is suffering from chronic pain or illness, it’s very difficult to stand by and watch them struggle. Fortunately, medical marijuana is available to eligible patients throughout Arizona – but do minors under 18 qualify for this type of treatment? As with all eligible patients, there are many rules and regulations which govern the distribution and use of medical marijuana in Arizona. To ensure that your child is well cared for while remaining in compliance with the law, we’ve put together this guide to the use of medical marijuana in Arizona.

Qualifying for Medical Marijuana as a Minor in Arizona

In order to qualify as a minor patient for the use of medical marijuana in the state of Arizona, the patient must have a medical marijuana caregiver, typically a parent or legal guardian. In addition to this, the patient must have been seen by a licensed medical doctor who has assessed his or her needs and determined that medical marijuana is the best course of treatment. The doctor will need to complete a Medical Marijuana Physician Certification for Patients Under 18 Form. The patient will also need to submit a photograph and fingerprints with his or her application.

Responsibilities of a Caregiver in Arizona

As a medical marijuana caregiver in Arizona, you will be responsible for completing and submitting your minor child’s application for a medical marijuana ID card, as well as all other subsequent forms and payments. You will need to be aware of when the medical marijuana card must be renewed, and make sure that your child is consuming and using his or her medicinal products as prescribed and in a safe and responsible manner. Lastly, it will be your job to stay on top of the laws and ensure that you and your minor child are doing everything legally and correctly at all times.

The Don’ts of Medical Marijuana as a Minor in Arizona

Even if your minor child is deemed eligible for the use of medical marijuana in Arizona, there are still strict guidelines that you must adhere to. Having a qualifying condition or illness isn’t enough for your child to legally gain access to and utilize medical marijuana. You must go through the proper channels at all times to legally obtain it. This means always carrying the proper identification and medical card, ensuring that the card is up-to-date, and only purchasing medicinal products from an authorized dispensary. Your child must never share his or her medicinal materials with another person, as this is against the law. You should also be aware that strict regulations surround you or your minor child’s ability to grow plants inside your own home. According to Arizona law, this is only allowable when you and your child live farther than 25 miles from a dispensary. You may not grow more than the allowable number of plants, and these must be grown in a place out of sight of the public, and in a safe, locked room. Be sure to check with the state before growing your own. Finally, your minor child must understand that he or she may never get behind the wheel of a car while treating his or her condition with medical marijuana.

Need more information on the use of medical marijuana as a minor in Arizona? Has your minor child been arrested for the use of Medical marijuana in Arizona? Reach out to the team at Schill Law Group for a free case evaluation today. We’ll make sure someone is on your side at all times.



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